

潘建强. 论翡翠的种[J]. 宝石和宝石学杂志, 2015, 17(1): 17-23.
引用本文: 潘建强. 论翡翠的种[J]. 宝石和宝石学杂志, 2015, 17(1): 17-23.
PAN Jianqiang. Discussion on Concept of“Zhong”of Jadeite[J]. Journal of Gems & Gemmology, 2015, 17(1): 17-23.
Citation: PAN Jianqiang. Discussion on Concept of“Zhong”of Jadeite[J]. Journal of Gems & Gemmology, 2015, 17(1): 17-23.




  • 中图分类号: TS93

Discussion on Concept of“Zhong”of Jadeite

  • 摘要: 翡翠的种的概念或定义是翡翠宝石学领域一个十分重要的基础问题,目前主流宝石学家或宝石研究者对此说法不一,对其定义大致有三种:第一种,翡翠的种是指翡翠的透明度,与水头同义,水头长即翡翠透明度高,称为种好,水头短指翡翠透明度低,称为种差;第二种,翡翠的种指结构构造,结构细即种好,结构粗即种差;第三种,翡翠的种是指翡翠的种类、品种,一般多采用象形描述,如玻璃种、冰种、豆种、金丝种、瓷种等。本文中翡翠的种的定义是:翡翠的硬度、致密度的总和,表现在切磨翡翠的时候,是抗打磨性能、可抛光性能及亮度(光泽度)的总和。亮度(光泽度)高、抗打磨及抛光性能好、硬度高、致密度高的翡翠称为种好或种老,反之,亮度(光泽度)低、抗打磨及抛光性能差、硬度低、致密度低的翡翠称为种差或种嫩。通过对翡翠分级评价要素树形结构的梳理,翡翠由颜色、底藏(质地)、工艺三部分组成,底藏部分可分为地张与地色、水头、种、瑕疵,进一步理清种与水头之间的关系、种与质地之间的关系。通过对翡翠的种影响因素分析,结构因素的四要素:硬玉颗粒的大小、形状、结合方式、结晶度及翡翠的矿物组合,均影响种的老嫩,理清种与结构构造之间的关系。最后还指出,象形描述的翡翠品种意义上的种与作为独立评价指标的种,在概念上是完全不同的;文章逐条梳理了翡翠的种与翡翠的品种、水头、质地、结构构造之间的关系,以及种的新老问题。
    Abstract: Zhongis a property of jadeite,which affects the value of the jadeite products.The concept of"Zhong"of jadeite is an important and basic problem in the field of the jadeite gemmology.It is a pity that mainstream gemmologists or gem researchers have the different visions and disagree against each other.To sum up,the experts and scholars have three types of visions on the definition of the"Zhong"of jadeite.The first,"Zhong"of jadeite refers to the transparency of jadeite.The high transparency of jadeite refers to good"Zhong",and bad"Zhong"refers to low transparency of jadeite.The second,"Zhong"of jadeite refers to the structure.The fine structure stands for good"Zhong",while the coarse structure stands for bad"Zhong".Thirdly,"Zhong"of jadeite refers to the species or varieties of jadeite,such as,the species like glass and ice,coarse grain,green silk and so on.They are commonly pictographically described,such as jadeite like glass is called glass species,jadeite like taro is called the taro species,and jadeite like ceramic is referred to ceramic species.
    However, these three views are not exact, which have caused confusion to jadeite beginners and fans, as well as a bad effect on the criterion of jadeite grading evaluation and a negative impact on the valuation of jadeite.
    The concept of jadeite is defined in the paper. "Zhong"is the synthesis of hardness and compact degree of jadeite, and also is the combination of the grinding resistance, polishing performance and brightness (shine). The "Zhong"of jadeite with high brightness (shine),good grinding and polishing performance, high hardness, as well as high compact degree, is regarded as good or old "Zhong". On the contrary, "Zhong" of jadeite with low brightness (shine), poor grinding and polishing performance, low hardness, as well as poor compact degree, is called bad or tender"Zhong".
    Through analyzing the tree structure of jadeite grading evaluation factors, the structure of jadeite is composed of three factors:colour, matrix (base), and craft. The matrix part can be divided into four factors:ground and ground colour, transparency,"Zhong", as well as flaw. Thereby, the relationship between "Zhong"and water-like degree of jadeite, and the relationship between "Zhong"and base of jadeite are clarified.
    With the help of the analysis of factors affecting "Zhong", the four elements of structure including mineral particle size, shape, combining ways, and crystalline degree, can be known, In addition, the combination of mineral components within the jadeite affects the old or tender of "Zhong". Therefore, the relationship between "Zhong and the structure ofjadeite is clarified.
    The paper shows that the variety of jadeite in pictographic sense and the "Zhong" of jadeite regarded as independent evaluation index are completely different in concept. Finally, the relationship between the "Zhong", varieties, transparency, base, structure, and the problem of old and new "Zhong" of jadeite are all combed in great detail.
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  • 收稿日期:  2014-09-04


