
Origin and Its Significance of Gem-Quality Pyroxene and Garnet Megacrysts from the Cenozoic Basalts in Eastern China: Constraints from Muling, Huadian and Mingxi Areas

  • 摘要: 中国东部广泛分布以碱性玄武岩为主的新生代火山岩。这些火山岩含有丰富的深源岩石包体和高压巨晶,为认识我国东部深部岩石圈物质组成及过程提供了良好样品。然而,与广受关注的岩石包体相比,人们对与之共生的巨晶的形成机制与形成条件等方面的认识仍显薄弱。这些巨晶不仅种类丰富(包括辉石、石榴石、角闪石、锆石、钛铁矿、刚玉等矿物),更为重要的是,其常具有粒度大、净度高等特点,可作为优质的彩色宝石资源而加以利用(图 1)。因此,本文以黑龙江穆棱、吉林桦甸、福建明溪新生代碱性玄武岩所携带的辉石、石榴石巨晶样品为研究对象,通过原位主微量元素组成分析,结合前人研究成果,探讨了我国东部新生代火山岩中辉石与石榴石巨晶的成因,进而约束陆下深部岩石圈所经历的地质过程。穆棱、明溪两个地方的火山岩均含有辉石和石榴石巨晶,但桦甸地区仅见辉石巨晶。这些巨晶的形态多为不规则状,难以识别出原始晶形及晶面特征。其中,辉石巨晶的颗粒较大,粒径多介于1~4 cm。而石榴石巨晶相对较小,粒径大多小于3 cm。辉石巨晶肉眼观察均呈黑色,透射光下呈棕褐色-浅绿色,石榴石巨晶则呈粉红色-酒红色。主量元素测试结果表明,所有巨晶在化学成分上是均一的,没有出现核-边元素含量系统性的变化。其中,穆棱与桦甸地区辉石包括了单斜辉石和斜方辉石,而明溪地区仅见有单斜辉石。这三个地区的单斜辉石都具有较高的Al2O3含量(6.55~10.30 wt%),可归属于富Al普通辉石。单斜辉石巨晶的主要元素含量与地幔岩石中(如橄榄岩)单斜辉石主要元素含量截然不同,表明其不是被寄主岩浆上涌过程中捕获的由地幔岩石裂解产生的矿物碎块。更值得注意的是,单斜辉石巨晶的主要元素含量(如TiO2和Al2O3)随Mg#的降低而升高,而Cr2O3随Mg#降低而降低,CaO的含量变化有限,表明单斜辉石巨晶的形成主要受到了岩浆分离结晶作用的影响。穆棱与桦甸地区的斜方辉石巨晶均为顽火辉石,其主要元素含量也与地幔岩石中斜方辉石的含量明显不同,也说明其并非地幔岩石裂解的产物。穆棱地区斜方辉石巨晶又可以进一步分为两组。第一组为(可带褐色调)浅绿色,第二组为棕褐色,这两组斜方辉石在化学成分上也体现出了明显的差异。第一组斜方辉石巨晶具有高的Mg#(89.2~89.8)、Cr2O3(0.55~0.66 wt%),低的Al2O3含量(5.13~5.93 wt%)。第二组斜方辉石巨晶具有更低的Mg#(85.1~86.3)、Cr2O3(0.09~0.18 wt%),更高的Al2O3含量(6.78~7.71 wt%)。与桦甸地区斜方辉石相似,穆棱地区第一组斜方辉石主要元素含量(如TiO2、Al2O3等)与Mg#没有相关性,说明穆棱地区第一组斜方辉石与桦甸地区的斜方辉石巨晶并非熔体分离结晶作用的产物,其较高的Cr2O3和Mg#含量暗示了这些斜方辉石巨晶可能为熔体-橄榄岩反应的产物。而穆棱第二组斜方辉石巨晶的TiO2和Al2O3含量随Mg#的降低而升高,反映了该组斜方辉石的形成也主要受控于熔体分离结晶作用。穆棱和明溪地区的石榴石巨晶主要为镁铝榴石,但穆棱石榴石的Mg#要明显高于明溪石榴石(74.0~76.0 vs. 45.0~61.8)。这两个地区的石榴石Cr2O3含量很低(< 0.18 wt%),与地幔岩石中石榴石的成分明显不同。这两个地区的石榴石TiO2和Al2O3含量也呈现出随Mg#的降低而升高的趋势,暗示了其也为岩浆分离结晶作用的产物而非地幔岩石裂解的碎块。经模拟计算表明,这三个地区辉石与石榴石巨晶的平衡熔体的REE含量与寄主玄武岩的REE含量存在明显差异。并且,辉石巨晶的平衡熔体的Mg#与寄主玄武岩的Mg#也截然不同。这说明上述地区辉石与石榴石巨晶并非是寄主玄武岩浆发生分离结晶作用的产物,而是由更早期的玄武质熔体经分离结晶作用而成,随后被寄主岩浆捕获并带到地表。值得注意的是,即使同一地区(如穆棱)的辉石与石榴石巨晶平衡熔体的REE含量体现出了较大差异,或者同一地区(如桦甸)单斜辉石与斜方辉石之间平衡熔体REE含量也明显不同,说明不同种类的巨晶可能并非来源于同一期次的熔体。单斜辉石温压计计算结果表明,穆棱、桦甸、明溪三地单斜辉石巨晶的结晶压力分别为2.0~2.2 GPa、1.4~1.8 GPa、2.0~2.5 GPa,对应于地下66~68 km、46~58 km、73~84 km处。结合区域地球物理资料,穆棱与明溪单斜辉石应形成于岩石圈-软流圈交界(LAB)附近。桦甸地区单斜辉石形成于更浅的位置(岩石圈地幔)。上述结果也与单斜辉石Na温度计经验公式结果大致相似。石榴石Ca温度计经验公式估算表明,穆棱、明溪石榴石巨晶结晶压力分别为2.5 GPa、1.2~1.9 GPa,大致对应于地下77~80 km、37~57 km处。但由于三个地区的巨晶样品都以单矿物的形态出现,因此无法对斜方辉石巨晶形成的温压条件给出制约。总体来说,以黑龙江穆棱、吉林桦甸、福建明溪三地为代表的中国东部新生代火山岩所含辉石、石榴石巨晶的成因较为复杂,以熔体分离结晶作用为主,少数为熔体-橄榄岩反应的产物。不同种类的巨晶虽形成深度略有不同,但可以看出LAB是这些宝石级巨晶的主要形成场所。不同期次的深源熔体在LAB附近滞留(熔体池),在相对稳定的条件下发生了缓慢的分离结晶作用(或伴随熔体-橄榄岩反应)而形成了宝石级辉石、石榴石巨晶。相应的,我国东部深部岩石圈也必然受到了深源熔体不同程度的改造作用,如堆晶和熔岩反应。


    Abstract: The Cenozoic volcanic rocks, mainly composed of alkaline basalts, are widely distributed across Eastern China. These volcanic rocks contain abundant deep-derived rock xenoliths and high-pressure megacrysts, providing good opportunities for understanding the composition and processes experienced by deep lithosphere beneath Eastern China. However, compared to the well-studied rock xenoliths, people's understanding of the formational mechanism and conditions of the accompanied megacrysts is relatively weak. These megacrysts include a variety of minerals such as pyroxene, garnet, amphibole, zircon, ilmenite, corundum. More importantly, they are characterized by large size and high clarity, and can be used as high-quality colored gemstone resources. Therefore, this study conducted in-situ major- and trace-element analysis on pyroxene and garnet megacrysts hosted by the Cenozoic alkali basalt from Muling (Heilongjiang Province), Huadian (Jilin Province) and Mingxi (Fujian Province) are as with the aim of revealing the origin of pyroxene and garnet megacrysts from the Cenozoic volcanic rocks in Eastern China, and further constraining the geological processes undergone by the deep lithosphere.The volcanic rocks in Muling and Mingxi areas contain pyroxene and garnet megacrystals, but only pyroxene megacrystals are found in Huadian area. The shape of these megacrysts is commonly irregular, making it difficult to identify the original crystal form and related face characteristics. Among them, the pyroxene megacrysts are large in size, with diameters mostly ranging from 1-4 cm. Garnet megacrystals are relatively small, with diameters mostly less than 3 cm. The pyroxene megacrystals are black under naked eyes and brown light green under transmitted light, while the garnet megacrysts are light pink to wine red in colour.According to major-element analytical results, the megacrysts are chemically homogeneous, without systematic differences of element contents between core and rim. The pyroxene megacrysts from Muling and Huadian include clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene, while only clinopyroxene is found from Mingxi. The clinopyroxene from the three regions have high Al2O3 content (6.55-10.30 wt%), which can be ascribed to Al-augite. The major-oxide contents of clinopyroxenes are significantly different from those of clinopyroxenes in mantle rocks (such as peridotite), indicating that they are not fragments of mantle rock fragments captured during the upwelling of host magma. It is worth noting that the major-element content (such as TiO2 and Al2O3) of clinopyroxene megacryst increases with the decreasing of Mg#, while Cr2O3 decreases with the decreasing of Mg#. The variation of CaO content is limited. These features indicate that the formation of clinopyroxene megacrysts is mainly controlled by magma fractional crystallization. The orthopyroxene megacrysts in Muling and Huadian are enstatite in composition, and their major-oxide contents are also significantly different from those of orthopyroxenes in mantle rocks, indicating that they are not products of mantle rock fragmentation. The orthopyroxene megacrysts in Muling can be further divided into two groups. The first group is light green with a brownish tone, while the second group is brown. These two groups of orthopyroxene also exhibit significant differences in chemical composition. The first group of clinopyroxene megacryst has high Mg# (89.2-89.8), Cr2O3 (0.55-0.66 wt%), and low Al2O3 content (5.13-5.93 wt%). The second group of clinopyroxene megacryst has lower Mg# (85.1-86.3), Cr2O3 (0.09-0.18 wt%), and higher Al2O3 content (6.78-7.71 wt%). Similar to the orthopyroxene in Huadian, the major-element content (such as TiO2 and Al2O3) of the first group of orthopyroxene in Muling is not correlated with Mg#, implying that the orthopyroxene megacrysts in Muling and Huadian are not products of fractional crystallization of a melt. Their higher Cr2O3 and Mg# suggest that these orthopyroxene megacrysts may be products of melt-peridotite reaction. The content of TiO2 and Al2O3 in the second group of orthopyroxene megacrysts in Muling increases with the decreasing of Mg#, reflecting that the formation of orthopyroxene of this group is mainly controlled by fractional crystallization. The garnet megacrysts in Muling and Mingxi areas are mainly pyrope in composition, but the Mg# of Muling garnet is significantly higher than that of Mingxi garnet (74.0-76.0 vs. 45.0-61.8). The Cr2O3 content of garnet in these two regions is very low (< 0.18 wt%), which is significantly different from that of garnet in mantle rocks. The content of garnet TiO2 and Al2O3 in the two areas also show an increasing trend with the decrease of Mg#, indicating that they are also products of fractional crystallization of a melt rather than fragments of mantle rocks.Estimated results show that there are significant differences in the REE contents between the equilibrium melts of pyroxene and garnet megacrysts and their host basalts from the three areas. Moreover, the Mg# of the equilibrium melt of pyroxene megacrysts is completely different from that of their host basalts. This indicates that the pyroxene and garnet megacrysts in the studied areas are not products of fractional crystallization of their host magma, but rather formed from crystallization processes of earlier basaltic melts, and were subsequently captured during the upwelling of their host magma. It is worth noting that there are obvious differences in the REE contents of equilibrium melts between pyroxene and garnet megacrysts from the same area (such as Muling), or the REE contents of equilibrium melts between clinopyroxene and clinopyroxene from the same area (such as Huadian) is also apparently different. This indicates that the megacrysts may not derive from the common melt. The calculation results of clinopyroxene thermobarometers show that the crystallization pressures of clinopyroxene megacrysts in Muling, Huadian, and Mingxi are 2.0-2.2 GPa, 1.4-1.8 GPa, and 2.0-2.5 GPa, respectively, corresponding to depths of 66-68 km, 46-58 km, and 73-84 km. Based on regional geophysical data, the clinopyroxene from Muling and Mingxi probably formed near the boundary between the lithosphere and asthenosphere (LAB). The clinopyroxene in Huadian area is formed at a shallower location (lithospheric mantle). The pressure results mentioned above are also roughly comparable to the results obtained by empirical formula of Na content of clinopyroxene. The empirical formula estimations based on Ca content of garnet shows that the crystallization pressure of garnet megacrysts from Muling and Mingxi are 2.5 GPa and 1.2-1.9 GPa, respectively, roughly comparable to 77-80 km and 37-57 km depths. However, due to the fact that the megacrysts from the three regions all occur as single crystals, it is hard to provide constraints on the temperature and pressure conditions for the formation of orthopyroxene megacrysts.Overall, the origin of pyroxene and garnet megacrysts in the Cenozoic volcanic rocks through eastern China, represented by Muling, Huadian and Mingxi areas, is complex. The studied megacrysts were mainly formed by fractional crystallization processes, with a minor contribution of melt peridotiteinteractions. Although the formational depths of different types of megacrysts vary slightly, it can be seen that LAB is the main location for the formation of these gem-quality megacrysts. Deep-derived melts with different stages stayed near LAB (like a melt pool) and underwent slow crystallization processes (probably accompanied by melt-peridotite reactions) under relatively stable conditions, forming gem-quality pyroxene and garnet megacrysts. Correspondingly, the deep lithosphere beneath eastern China also inevitably experienced variable degrees of modifications by these deep-derived melts, such as accumulation and melt-peridotite reaction.


