
Spectral Characteristic of Zircon from Wenchang, Hainan Province

  • 摘要: 中国东部沿海地区新生代岩浆活动剧烈,海南文昌地区是其重要组成部分,该地区碱性玄武岩风化产物中产出宝石级锆石晶体。本研究对海南文昌地区次生环境中产出的锆石开展宝石矿物学特征研究,以期获得其谱学特征并探究锆石的变生程度和谱学特征的相关性。微量元素分析显示其Ti含量普遍较低,Th/U比值相对较高,表明其形成与岩浆环境密切相关;U-Pb年龄测试结果显示其平均年龄为3.78±0.10 Ma;拉曼光谱测试结果指示海南文昌锆石变生程度较低,由ν3(SiO4)振动引起的拉曼位移峰峰位与锆石放射性通量Dα为负相关关系,其半高宽与放射性通量Dα呈正相关关系。热处理提高了锆石的结晶度并改变其颜色,分别在空气气氛和氮气气氛中对其加热至600 ℃时,均发生了明显的颜色变化,主要由深褐色向红褐色或无色转变,颜色的转变主要与440~550 nm范围内的吸收有关,这主要与锆石中色心的形成和消除、晶格损伤修复以及稀土和放射性元素的浓度有关;氮气气氛中加热至1 100 ℃时深褐色转变为蓝灰色,这可能与高温热处理后U5++ e-→U4+的转变有关。


    Abstract: The cenozoic magmatic activity in the eastern coastal areas of China is intense, and the Wenchang area of Hainan Province is an important represent where gem-quality zircon crystals are produced in the sedentary products of alkaline basalt. In this study, the gemmological and mineralogical characteristics of zircon samples from the secondary deposit in Wenchang were studied in order to obtain the spectral characteristics, and to explore the correlation between the degree of decrystallization and spectral characteristics of zircon samples. The trace element test results show that the content of Ti is generally low and the Th/U ratio is relatively high, indicating that its formation is closely related to the magmatic environment. The average age is 3.78±0.10 Ma by the U-Pb age method. The Raman spectrum results show that the zircon samples from Wenchang generally have a low metamorphic degree.The zircon radioactive flux Dα shows a negative correlation with the Raman shift peak caused by the ν3(SiO4) vibration and a positively correlated with its full width at half maximum. The crystallinity and colour of zircon could be improved by heated treatment.The obvious colour changes from dark brown to reddish brown or colourless of the zircon samples could be observed, when heated to 600 ℃ in air and nitrogen surroundings, respectively. The colour changes are mainly related to the absorption in the range of 440-550 nm which is related to the formation and elimination of colour center, the repair of lattice damage, and the concentration of rare earth and radioactive elements in zircon. When heated to 1 100 ℃ in nitrogen atmosphere, the colour change from dark brown to blue-gray of zircon samples may be related to the transformation of U5++e-→U4+.


