
An Exploration on the Jewelry Design Pedagogic Mode Based on HOTWEEK Workshop at Oslo National Academy of the Arts in Norway

  • 摘要: 挪威奥斯陆国立艺术学院首饰设计与金属艺术系从2007年开始每年秋季学期举行为期一周的HOTWEEK工作坊课程,笔者在该校学习和担任客座研究员期间参与过几次工作坊课程,根据实际参加该工作坊的切身体验并观察多年来该工作坊的运作模式、课题设置、教学方法和教学成果,对参与工作坊的艺术家与教授进行了采访与调查研究,并提出相关问题,总结该教学模式的特色,以期为国内艺术设计专业院校的课程教学提供一些借鉴。


    Abstract: Since 2007, OSLO National Academy of the Arts(KHIO) in Norway has held an one-week HOTWEEK workshop every autumn semester. The author has participated in this workshop several times during his study as a visiting researcher in the university. According to the actual personal participation experience and observation of the operation mode, subject setting, teaching methods and achievements of the workshop over the years, and through interviewing and investigating the artists and professors who were participated in the workshop, the author puts forward questions, and summarizes the characteristics of this pedagogic mode. This study may provides some references for the course teaching of domestic art and design colleges.


