
Scientific Analysis, Conservation and Restoration on the Cultural Relics Golden Gourd-Shape Hanging Screens with Auspicious Pattern from Qing Dynasty in the Palace Museum

  • 摘要: 故宫博物院藏金大吉葫芦式挂屏一组八个,本保护修复样品是其中两件(故11214和故11703)。送修时,两件金大吉葫芦式挂屏表面有尘污和多处嵌件松动、脱缺的伤况,为恢复该文物的完整性和美观性,需要采取相关措施对其进行保护修复。本研究先了解金大吉葫芦式挂屏文物的病害情况和成因;通过拉曼光谱检测了挂屏中所有镶嵌的宝玉石材质,结果显示,修复区域中有珊瑚、尖晶石、碧玺、海蓝宝石、翡翠、青金石、绿松石等品种;通过X射线荧光能谱仪检测出挂屏基底的金属成分,Au的含量约87.1%~89.4%,Ag的含量约为10%,Cu和Fe元素的含量微少;明晰了文物的制作工艺,其中花丝镶嵌工艺为挂屏的主要制作工艺;最后通过对金大吉葫芦式挂屏30余处缺失和松动嵌件进行了补配和回粘,恢复了文物的完整。在科学检测的基础上,提出有效的文物保护修复方案,并更深入地研究了清代宫廷挂屏的制作工艺,为中国同类文物的保护修复提供了一些经验和借鉴。


    Abstract: The Palace Museum has a group of eight collections of cultural relics named golden gourd-shape hanging screens with auspicious patterns from Qing Dynasty. In this study, two of them were used as the cultural relics protection and restoration samples (故11214 and 故11703). During restoration, there were dust stains on the surface and many inserts were loose or missing. In order to restore the integrity and beauty of the cultural relics, the relevant measures need to be taken to protect and repair them. First, the types and cause of the disease of golden gourd-shape hanging screens with auspicious patterns were understood.Then, all the inlaid gemstone materials in the hanging screens were tested by Raman spectrometer. The results show that there are gems such as coral, spinel, tourmaline, aquamarine, jadeite, lapis lazuli, turquoise in the repaire area.The metal compositions of the hanging screens were detected by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The content of Au is about 87.1 %-89.4 %, the content of Ag is about 10 %, and the contents of Cu and Fe are little. Meanwhile, the authors have analyzed the production process of the hanging screens.The filament inlaid craft is the main production process. Finally, by re-carving and rejuvenation of more than 30 places of the loose and missing inserts in the hanging screens, the integrity of the cultural relics was restored. On the basis of scientific detection, an effective protection and restoration plan of the cultural relics was proposed, and then more in-depth research on the production process of the Qing Dynasty hanging screen was discussed. It provides some experience and reference for the protection and restoration of similar cultural relics in China.


