FTIR and13C NMR Spectrum Characterization and Significance of Amber from Different Origins
Graphical Abstract
Some pieces of amber from different origins and copal resin were tested and analyzed by FTIR and13C NMR.From testing results,amber from difference origins has the basically similar FTIR characteristics,such as absorption bands at 2 930,2 870 cm-1caused by the saturated C—H bond stretching vibration,and the corresponding infrared absorption bands 1 460~1 443 cm-1and 1 384~1 375 cm-1induced by CH2—CH3bending vibration. Compared with the amber,FTIR characteristics of copal resin show infrared absorption weak band at 3 080 cm-1induced by C═CH2antisymmetric stretching vibration,infrared absorption bands at 1 645 cm-1induced by C═C stretching vibration and infrared absorption band at 890 cm-1caused by C—H out of plane deformation vibration.Analyses of FTIR and 13C NMR characterize amber from different origins and natural resin with relative different petrochemical maturity degree. The age of amber from Burma,Dominica,Liaoning and Mexico reduce in turn.Peaks of 13C NMR spectrum at δ=14×10-6~18×10-6 and δ=179×10-6~220×10-6 only appear in copal resin,showing that the petrochemical maturity is relatively low.This paper finally concludes the FTIR and 13C NMR spectrum characterization and significance of amber from different origins.