JIN Chun-mei, QIU Zhi-li, YAN Ruo-gu, LI Liu-fen. Thermodynamic Calculation on Fluid-Rock Interaction of Jadeite Jade in Secondary Reducing Process[J]. Journal of Gems & Gemmology, 2009, 11(4): 4-8.
Citation: JIN Chun-mei, QIU Zhi-li, YAN Ruo-gu, LI Liu-fen. Thermodynamic Calculation on Fluid-Rock Interaction of Jadeite Jade in Secondary Reducing Process[J]. Journal of Gems & Gemmology, 2009, 11(4): 4-8.

Thermodynamic Calculation on Fluid-Rock Interaction of Jadeite Jade in Secondary Reducing Process

More Information
  • Received Date: November 01, 2009
  • Revised Date: November 23, 2009
  • The fluid-rock interaction in some jadeite jade, as well as the enhancement of colour and structure could be observed in the secondary reducing process.Based on the geological phenomena, the possibility that some new authigenic minerals are formed by the jadeite in fluid-rock interaction is discussed according to the thermodynamic calculation.The results show that the jadeite jade is most likely to have a reaction with Mg2+ and Fe2+ so as to form chlorite in the presence of additional Mg2+ and Fe2+ and the secondary reducing process, which offer the theoretical explanation for the colour changes of the colourless jadeite jade in the secondary reducing process.
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