Jewelry Auction Market and Rules:Take Sotheby for Example
Graphical Abstract
According to the basic information of the Sotheby jewelry auction,the whole data of Sotheby auction and the data of the world economic growth from 2002to 2014,the authors studied the relationship of those three data,and concluded that Sotheby’s jewelry auctions were mostly held in New York (32.0%),London(21.6%),Geneva(15.3%)and Hong Kong(11.6%).The main subjects of jewelry auction are magnificent jewels.The sales of jewelry auction in 13years have a stable increase just like the total sales of Sotheby auction except 2008and 2011when the sales went down and were affected by global economic condition.Compared with the total sales of Sotheby auction,jewelry auction is more sensitive to the marketing strategies.It also can be concluded that the sales of jewelry auction are closely related to the rate of world economic growth.By analyzing the elasticity,the sales of Sotheby jewelry auction from 2015to 2017can be predicted.If the market is stable,the sales of Sotheby jewelry auction can be 617million dollars for 2015,621million dollars for 2016,635million dollars for 2017.