
Instruction Functions of Taoism Philosophy on Jade Carving

  • 摘要: 道家思想对于玉雕创作有很强的现实指导意义,主要表现在取法自然、无为与有为、“阴阳”与“和合”的关系这三个方面。俏色巧雕是遵从取法自然这一准则的最显而易见的雕刻手法。有为和无为是针对两种不同的审美取向而分别衍伸出的两种不同的创作指导思想,前一种是追求玉雕创作的人工美,后一种是追求自然美。在玉雕上,“阴阳”与“和合”的思想表现得很也明显。在画面构图方面,雕刻对象有主有次,有远景,有近景,需要安排得当,以得到整体的和谐。从文化的范畴来讲,在玉雕作品将道家思想内化的同时,道家思想也借玉雕这一绝佳的载体展现出其独特的内涵和魅力。


    Abstract: Taoism philosophy has instruction functions on jade carving, which is mainly reflected in three aspects:obey the laws of nature, action or inaction, contrary and connection.Qiao colour skill with artfully carving, namely, using the colour of stone to creative aesthetical works, is the most common skill to obey the laws of nature on jade carving.Action and inaction are two different kinds of creation philosophy, aiming at two different aesthetical standards.The former one thinks highly of the artificial beauty on jade carving, and the latter prefers natural beauty.As for jade carving, the thoughts of contrary and connection present obvious.In image design, the objects of jade carving are different from each other in many aspects, such as primary and secondary, near and far.All the objects should be well organized to get a harmonious feeling.In fact, contrary is also a kind of connection.All the contrary relationships make up the harmonious jade works.In general, the Taoism philosophy and jade carving can benefit from each other.


