
Probe into Principle and Application of Rough Diamond Evaluation

  • 摘要: 由于国际毛坯钻石市场相对封闭,评估工作者面临着缺乏直接的市场交易参考信息等困难,无法采用传统的珠宝评估方法进行估价。采用价值链分析方法,从研究钻石价值链入手,以成品(抛光)钻石的分级体系为基础,建立了针对估价需求的毛坯钻石质量分级体系,构建估价模型,提出了通过成品价格还原原材料价格的还原成本法,介绍了该方法在毛坯钻石估价中的实际应用。根据该估价原理和方法,利用计算机数据库技术可为毛坯钻石估价提供更便利、准确的估价辅助手段。该估价原理和方法也可推广应用到其它宝石原料的估价实践中。


    Abstract: Since the international market of rough diamond is relatively blocked,the general appraisers who are lacked of the direct reference information on trading could not evaluate the rough diamond by the traditional appraising approaches. By the analysis of the value chain and the research on the value chain of diamond,a quality-grading system based on the system of polished diamond grading is built up.The principle of cost-reverting approach is put forward and the application is introduced.On the basis of the principle and the approach,a computeraided data base technique is adopted and enable the evaluation more efficient and accurate.The principle can also be applied in the field of the evaluation on the other rough gem materials.


