Study on Nephrite(Tremolite Jade) from Three Localities in China
摘要: 中国是产软玉大国, 除新疆和田外, 江苏溧阳、辽宁岫岩亦有产出。采用电子探针、X射线粉末衍射、红外光谱及扫描电镜等测试方法对三个产地的软玉进行了深入细致的测试研究, 从地质特征、矿物成分、结构构造及成因等方面进行了对比分析, 证明三个产地的软玉的主要矿物组成为典型的透闪石, 结构构造类似, 成因均为接触交代型。Abstract: Hetian, Xinjiang, is a famous nephrite locality in the world. Recently, two nephrite localities are found in Liyang, Jiangsu Province, and Xiuyan, Liaoning Province. By using microprobe, XRD, infrared spectrum and SEM, the mineral composition, textures and structures, genesis and geological features of nephrites from the three localities are studied. The results show that they are composed mainly of tremolite with similar texture and structure