
Characters of Jadewares from Liangzhuang King’s Tomb in Ming Dynasty in Zhongxiang, Hubei Province

  • 摘要: 湖北钟祥明代梁庄王墓中出土的玉器经过整理和检测, 镶在金银饰品上的玉器有15套(件), 未镶的玉器有42套(件)。在这些玉器套(件)上共串有软玉3 144块, 玛瑙10块, 绿松石1块, 总计3 155块。具代表性的玉器有镶宝玉簪、镶宝玉冠顶、金镶玉绦环、双龙玉带钩、持荷童子、双兔对牌、鹘捕天鹅、秋山玉鹿等从加工风格来看, 该批玉器工艺刚劲有力, 粗犷浑厚, 但往往忽略了细部的琢制; 既有立体雕刻, 又有分层镂雕; 玉雕胎体比较厚重。以明代风格为主, 留有少量金、元时期的痕迹。还有金、元时期的作品。


    Abstract: Jadewares excavated from Liangzhuang King’s tomb in Ming Dynasty in Zhong-xiang, Hubei Province, are tested and arranged. There are 15 suites of mounted jadewares and 42 suites of unmounted jadewares. There are 3 155 pieces of jades on these jadewares including 3 144 pieces of nephrite, 10 pieces of agate and 1 piece of turquoise. The representative jadewares are gemstone-mounted jade hair-pin, gemstone-mounted jade crown, gold-mounted jade ribbon, double-dragons jade hook of belt, child holding lotus leaf, double-rabbits jade paired boards, gu-bird catching goose jade and deer in autumn mountain jade board, etc. The carving styles of these jadewares are strong in line description, but rough in some delicate parts. There are not only stereoscopic carving but also layered carving. The jade carvings are usually strong. The jadewares are mainly in Ming Dynasty styles, with the traces of the styles of Jin and Yuan Dynasties. In addition, there are some jadewares in Jin and Yuan Dynasties.


