Chemical Composition of Nephrite of Unearthed Archaic-Jade Artifacts from Lingjiatan, Anhui Province
摘要: 将安徽凌家滩出土鸡骨白古玉器碎片的全岩化学成分与新疆和田软玉、辽宁岫岩软玉等进行比较分析, 确定该鸡骨白古玉器的玉质成分为软玉, 其化学成分特征与和田白玉和青白玉相当。据此推测, 该鸡骨白古玉器的原石可能为白玉和淡绿灰色玉。该软玉的成因类型属镁质大理岩型, 为研究凌家滩出土古玉器玉材的来源提供了依据。Abstract: According to the feature of chemical composition, we can define that archaic-jade artifacts with chicken boon-like colour from Lingjiatan are nephrite. The chemical composition of the nephrite from Lingjiatan is about the same as white nephrite and greenish white nephrite of Hetian, Xinjiang. We deduce the original material of archaic-jade artifacts with chicken boon-like colour is white jade and light greenish-greyjade. The genesis of nephrite from Ling jiatan belongs to mafic marble type.