Gemmological Significance of Study on Secondary Reducing Fluid-Rock Interaction in Jadeite Jade Bench Deposit from Burma
摘要: 缅甸翡翠的表生还原性水岩反应作用可使翡翠出现灰绿色、暗绿色和蓝绿色等次生色, 且透明度有所提高, 显示油青种、蓝水种翡翠的特征。对其深入研究, 在翡翠次生色的分类、翡翠种属划分、翡翠鉴定、翡翠赌石的质量评估、翡翠优化和开展对其它玉石的相关性研究等方面都有重要的宝石学意义。Abstract: The secondary reducing fluid rock interaction which happened in the jadeite jade from Burma makes the colour of jadeite jade changed to sage green, dim green or bluish green, and its transparence improved. Study on the fluid rock interaction is very important for the classification of the secondary colours, the variety division, identification, quality evaluation, enhancement of the jadeite jade, and also promote the study on the fluid rock interaction of the other kinds of jades.