
Technical Parameter Calculation on Painting and Digging Out

  • 摘要: 刷磨和剔磨是钻石加工者为了尽可能保存钻石成品的克拉质量、又消除腰棱附近瑕疵时采取的加大或减小腰小面倾角的加工措施,磨钻师傅往往凭经验掌握。利用本文编写的刷磨与剔磨工艺参数计算程序,可以准确计算出任意切工参数下指定的刷磨或剔磨程度所对应的工艺参数。


    Abstract: Painting or digging out is produced by increasing or reducing obliquity of half facet according to cutter’s experience,for purpose of maximizing weight or removing flaws around the girdle.The precision technical parameters of the different cut parameters and the different painting or digging out can be calculated with the program designed by the writers.


