Gold-Inlay Craft and Discussion on Its Application
摘要: 为了继承和发扬错金工艺,从其定义出发,探讨了该工艺在中国古代及国外的发展与应用以及笔者对该工艺的实验研究。针对在错金工艺实践过程中出现的问题,在查阅了相关的资料后,对传统错金工艺的实现方法提出了质疑。Abstract: To carry on and develop the traditional gold-inlay craft,the definition of the craft is introduced and the development and application of the craft in ancient China and at abroad are reviewed in this paper.The traditional gold-inlay craft is experimented in the laboratory by the writers.On the problems arised in practicing the craft with the traditional methods,the writers consult the materials in this field and raise the doubts about the realization of the traditional gold-inlay craft.