郭忆文, 徐可, 朱玉. 中国设计师原创婚礼首饰品牌——以梵誓为例[J]. 宝石和宝石学杂志(中英文), 2024, 26(2): 108-115. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2024.02.013
引用本文: 郭忆文, 徐可, 朱玉. 中国设计师原创婚礼首饰品牌——以梵誓为例[J]. 宝石和宝石学杂志(中英文), 2024, 26(2): 108-115. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2024.02.013
GUO Yiwen, XU Ke, ZHU Yu. Original Wedding Jewelry Brand of Chinese Designer: A Case Study of the Brand ONE SWEAR[J]. Journal of Gems & Gemmology, 2024, 26(2): 108-115. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2024.02.013
Citation: GUO Yiwen, XU Ke, ZHU Yu. Original Wedding Jewelry Brand of Chinese Designer: A Case Study of the Brand ONE SWEAR[J]. Journal of Gems & Gemmology, 2024, 26(2): 108-115. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2024.02.013


Original Wedding Jewelry Brand of Chinese Designer: A Case Study of the Brand ONE SWEAR

  • 摘要: 中国正处于消费快速升级的阶段,新一代消费者更注重审美、个性与情感需求的表达。婚礼首饰市场长期存在设计同质化、品牌文化内涵薄弱和缺乏创新等问题,使消费需求无法被完全满足,从而形成了市场空缺。如今,设计师原创品牌的出现正在尝试解决这些问题,并随着消费者对其关注度的提升对行业未来有着重要影响。基于此,本文首先介绍了中国婚礼首饰的历史与现状,指出了新一代消费者的消费特征,阐述了在当前的消费背景下设计师原创品牌存在的必要性与优势;其次, 以梵誓为例,分析了从消费对象的选择、产品体系的构建、品牌文化建设到销售与服务这一系列的品牌行为,最后得出了设计师原创婚礼首饰品牌建立并发展所需的条件,分别是小而精的品牌定位、极具辨识度的产品体系、生动细腻的品牌文化以及高附加值的的客户服务,并从这些方面为创业者们提供了合理的建议。


    Abstract: China is currently in a phase of rapid consumer upgrading, where the new generation consumers are paying more attention to aesthetics, individuality, and the expression of emotional needs. The long-standing issues in the wedding jewelry market, such as design homogeneity, weak brand cultural connotations, and lack of innovation, have created a market gap as upgraded consumer demands are not fully met. Nowadays, the emergence of designer original brands is attempting to address these issues, and their growing attention from consumers has an important impact on the future of the industry. Based on this, this study introduced the history and current situation of China's wedding jewelry, pointed out the consumption characteristics of the new generation consumers, and elaborated on the necessity and advantages of designer original brands in the current consumption background. Taking the brand ONE SWEAR as an example, this study analyzed a series of brand behaviors from the selection of consumer targets, the construction of the product system, the brand culture building, to the sales and services. The study concluded that the conditions needed for the establishment and development of a designer original wedding jewelry brand are: niche but precise brand positioning, a highly distinguishable product system, vivid and delicate brand culture, and high-value-added customer service. The study hopes to provides rational suggestions in these areas for entrepreneurs.


