李园, 张荣红. 良渚、山东龙山和后石家河文化人鸟组合题材玉器图像嬗变与解读[J]. 宝石和宝石学杂志(中英文), 2024, 26(2): 56-68. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2024.02.007
引用本文: 李园, 张荣红. 良渚、山东龙山和后石家河文化人鸟组合题材玉器图像嬗变与解读[J]. 宝石和宝石学杂志(中英文), 2024, 26(2): 56-68. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2024.02.007
LI Yuan, ZHANG Ronghong. The Evolution and Interpretation of Image Themes Based on Bird-Human Combination Jade Artifacts from Liangzhu, Longshan in Shandong, and Post-Shijiahe Cultures[J]. Journal of Gems & Gemmology, 2024, 26(2): 56-68. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2024.02.007
Citation: LI Yuan, ZHANG Ronghong. The Evolution and Interpretation of Image Themes Based on Bird-Human Combination Jade Artifacts from Liangzhu, Longshan in Shandong, and Post-Shijiahe Cultures[J]. Journal of Gems & Gemmology, 2024, 26(2): 56-68. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2024.02.007


The Evolution and Interpretation of Image Themes Based on Bird-Human Combination Jade Artifacts from Liangzhu, Longshan in Shandong, and Post-Shijiahe Cultures

  • 摘要: 以古代人鸟结合题材玉器为研究对象,沿时间轴梳理新石器时代不同文化板块下该类题材玉器,结果发现在良渚,山东龙山,石家河三个考古学文化下典型的人鸟题材玉器都各有鲜明的特点。人鸟的图像关系呈现从具象组合—具象连接—抽象嫁接的演变特征。通过图像学方法研究图像与器物组合关系,对比同时代具有图像关联的器物,结合艺术学理论与文献考证对各文化段的玉器图像文化内涵做出解读分析,并就不同文化板块下的人鸟组合图像提出以下观点: (1)良渚文化人鸟结合题材玉器中鸟与人伴飞并辅助引导具体方位,是为祖先崇拜的象征;(2)山东龙山文化典型的鸟携人首佩表达了帝俊使者五彩鸟引龙山部落领袖飞升的景象; (3)后石家河文化中的鸟抽象简化与写实的人面结合,体现了山东龙山文化从“民神不杂”到后石家河“民神杂糅”的观念转换。虽然鸟与人的图像构成关系发生处位主次变化,然诸考古学文化中的人鸟题材玉器均表达出人类将鸟视为神圣之物的载体,人借鸟表达灵魂飞升及举行相关神秘仪式这一图像意蕴。


    Abstract: This study focuses on ancient jade artifacts featuring human-bird combinations as the research subject, sorting out jade artifacts with this theme in different cultural contexts during the Neolithic Age along the timeline. The study found that typical human-bird-themed jade artifacts under Liangzhu, Shandong Longshan, and Shijiahe archaeological cultures all have distinctive characteristics. The relationship of the human-bird images exhibits an evolutional feature from specific combination to specific connection and then to abstract grafting. Through the study of the relationship between images and objects using iconography, comparison of contemporaneous objects with associated images, and interpretation and analysis of the cultural connotation of jade images from various cultural periods combining art theory and textual research, the following viewpoints are presented for different cultural contexts of human-bird combination images: (1) In Liangzhu culture human-bird combination jade artifacts, birds fly alongside humans and assist in guiding specific positions, symbolizing ancestor worship. (2) The typical Shandong Longshan culture jade ornament of a bird carrying a human head expresses the scene of the deity Di Jun's messenger, the five-coloured bird, leading the rise of the Longshan tribe leader. (3) In post-Shijiahe culture, the combination of abstract simplified birds and realistic human faces reflects the conceptual transition from "separation of humans and deities" in Shandong Longshan culture to "integration of humans and deities" in post-Shijiahe culture. Although the image composition relationship between birds and humans has changed in terms of position and priority, jade artifacts with human-bird themes in various archaeological cultures all express the implication of the bird as the carrier of sacredness, using birds to express the ascension of the soul and the holding of related mysterious rituals.


