
Fluorescence Spectral Characteristic of Amber from Baltic Sea Region, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Myanmar and China

  • 摘要: 为全面地探究波罗的海、多米尼加共和国、墨西哥、缅甸和辽宁抚顺琥珀的荧光特征, 本文采集了来自5个产地的常见的黄色调琥珀品种的三维荧光光谱, 并对比分析荧光特征。结果发现:(1)波罗的海琥珀在350 nm光源激发时, 发射出最强的435 nm附近的荧光峰; (2)多米尼加琥珀发射出一组以445、474 nm和508 nm为中心的特征荧光峰, 在440 nm光源激发时最强, 415 nm激发次之; (3)墨西哥琥珀荧光特征规律性较弱, 通常最强荧光峰在420~465 nm的蓝紫区内变化; (4)缅甸琥珀的最强荧光峰位于426 nm附近, 其对应的最佳激发波长为375 nm。同时, 缅甸琥珀在紫外光区出现了一组以334、347 nm为中心的弱发射峰, 其最佳激发波长均为295 nm; (5)抚顺琥珀与缅甸琥珀发光行为相似, 不同的是其最强发射峰以414 nm为中心, 被365 nm光源最佳激发。在紫外光区的两弱荧光峰分别以360、399 nm为中心, 最佳激发波长均为290 nm; (6)同在375 nm激发光源下, 各产地琥珀的最强发光峰呈波罗的海>多米尼加共和国>墨西哥>抚顺≈缅甸的大小关系。


    Abstract: In this study, we collected and characterized the amber fluorescent behaviors by obtaining the general amber varieties 3D-fluorescence spectra from five localities including Baltic Sea region, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Myanmar and Fushun, China. These spectral features show that amber from Baltic Sea region has the strongest emission peak with the center near 435 nm in blue region, which is best excited by 350 nm light. Dominican amber emit three typical narrow peaks at 445、474 nm and 508 nm. They are optimally excited by 440 nm light, closcly followed by, 415 nm light. The strongest fluorescence center of Mexican amber is unfixed but nomally between 420~465 nm range. Burmese and Fushun amber behave similarly. Their luminescence centers appear in visible and ultraviolet region. Burmese amber has a strong 426 nm emission band excited by 375 nm light, while Fushun amber has the strongest emission peak with the center near 414 nm and is best excited by 365 nm light. In ultraviolet region, Burmese amber occur two weak emission peaks near 334 nm and 347 nm by 295 nm light excitation. Fushun amber also have two weak centers, but these weak centers are near 360 nm and 399 nm and are excited by 290 nm light. On the other hand, when all samples were excited by 375 nm light, the wavelength of their strongest emission peaks shows the following order: Baltic Sea region > Dominican Republic > Mexico > Myanmar ≈ Fushun, China.


